08/02/2025 MÉXICO

Tag: Central African Republic


Durante los últimos meses el mundo entero ha sido testigo de los dramáticos derroteros que ha seguido la República Centroafricana, cuya crisis política crónica ha desembocado en un desastre humanitario cuyas atrocidades han jalonado todos los medios de comunicación. La protección de los niños, atrapados entre la furia de las milicias, es una de las grandes urgencias del conflicto.

Iztok Potokar07/11/2011

The Common Humanitarian Funds (CHFs), pools of un-earmarked funds made available at the country level for UN agencies and NGOs, were established in 2006 as a new tool to improve the already existing Consolidated Appeal Process, which lacked strategic planning when allocating funds. 5 years later the third evaluation report of the CHFs has been released. Which are the main findings of this report?